
I am looking for a remote developer role with tech stack : Javascript, Typescript, Node.js, express.js, MongoDB, React - Redux, AWS.

Please find recent demo projects below.

List of projects

Movies Display

Simple movies display using Ionic Vue. The data was fetched from Event Cinema's API (proxy server).

Ionic  Vue  Typescript 

Code repo Live site

Webstore GraphQL API

Web store API demo that communicates fully via GraphQL (Apollo server). Authentication is based on JSON Web Token.

Testing are focused on integration tests using Apollo server's executeOperation to mimick the GraphQl client operations.

GraphQL  Apollo-server  JWT  Typescript  MongoDB  jest  node-mock-http 

Code repo

Covid-19 LGA API

Simple Covid-19 API. Provide number of cases per LGA per previous days.

The data fetched daily from NSW Covid19 API executed by github actions

Typescript  Express.js  MongoDB  supertest  jest  swagger  github action 

Code repo

Web automation on Marketplace


Simple web automation on an Indonesia marketplace (shopee) : to click on 'boost' button on every time interval. The app is able to do login & handle crash / restart while maintaining the time interval between product boosting.

Node.js  Puppeteer 


School API

Simple demo API to CRUD school and suburb

Typescript  Express.js  MongoDB  supertest  jest  swagger  github action 

Code repo Live site

Name Analyzer

Simple name analyser utilizing third party API

React  Redux  jest  testing-library 

Code repo Live site

NSW Departure Board

Simple departure board app to show new departure from a station, bus stop, etc. The app is using Transport for NSW's Trip Planner API.

Typescript  React  express.js 

Code repo Live site


Community based app to sell and search home cooked meal.

Express.js  MongoDB  Mapbox  Preact  Redux  GraphQL  AWS 

Live site